Sunday, June 21, 2009

Arriving at Harvard

Last night was my first night staying at Harvard and so far its been great. I've gotten to know some of the people on my floor and they are all nice and fun too. My dorm room is gigantic (bigger than my room at home, which makes sense because its a double, but still) My roommate hasn't arrived yet and I look forward to meeting him later today. Harvard is very different from high school, most notably the co-ed dorms. Also a head's up for anyone, don't try to play frisbee on Harvard Yard, you will get three adults running outside at once to yell at you. A fun experience on your first day. I have to remember to buy my books for class, so hopefully by saying this i'll remember. That's about it for now, I might try to do this twice a week, we'll see how things go.
Secret message oOo. The secret password is bladerdash
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD! -thanks for being my only follower at the moment

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