Sunday, July 5, 2009

Festivities and the Fourth

Happy Fourth of July! This week has been excellent so far. At work I am making progress in my task of troubleshooting the system of RNA isolation, which has been very time consuming so far. Every time I isolate RNA from a sample it is almost always degraded, and now I have to figure out why. I have my first lab meeting on Monday, where I have to present my week's work to everybody. I'm a little nervous but I think I'll be alright. Things are good here at Harvard. I went to Fire+Ice last night and had an amazing dinner, and I still feel full today. I was planing on taking the swim test, which I need to take so I can row, yesterday but the pool was closed. I went to see the fireworks tonight which were some of the best that I have ever seen. They were perfectly in sync with the music and were spectacular overall. Loved them. Hi Sam, How was your fourth? Did you see any fireworks?

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